Juice Me January
What is it?
Join me in January to try something new. It's not a diet, nor a fad nor is it a quick fix, simply the opportunity to try juicing, increase your vitamin and mineral intake, boost your 5-a-day and energy levels in January.
What do I need?
A juicer able to juice fruit and vegetables. Shop around in the sales, some begin at around £40
What does it Cost? How do I join?
It's FREE! Just sign up below with your email address. You will receive a weekly ingredients list and recipes, support videos and support from me. You need to ensure that you buy the fruit and vegetables weekly. That's all!

To increase fruit & vegetable intake during the month of January and beyond, because once you are in the habit of juicing, you can keep going.
The 5 A Day campaign is based on advice from the World Health Organization (WHO), which recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.
You will receive a weekly email update with a list of ingredients to buy for the following week, plus juice recipes.
29th December 2023 - ingredients & recipe list
2nd January 2024 - ingredients & recipe list
9th January 2024 - ingredients & recipe list
16th January 2024 - ingredients & recipe list
22nd January 2024 - ingredients & recipe list